The Sims 4 Harry Potter Challenge | ⚡️🧙‍♂️Harry Potter 🧙‍♂️⚡️ – In The Sims 4! 11208 명이 이 답변을 좋아했습니다

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the sims 4 harry potter challenge 주제에 대한 동영상 보기

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d여기에서 ⚡️🧙‍♂️HARRY POTTER 🧙‍♂️⚡️ – In the Sims 4! – the sims 4 harry potter challenge 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

You guys asked for them a LOT! So here are Harry, Hermione and Ron, straight out of Hogwarts and into your eyeballs for this weeks’ CAS MONDAY! 💜
🐶Cats \u0026 Dogs Playlist –
🏘 In the Suburbs Playlist –
💒 In the City Playlist –
🏡 Dreamhouse Playlist –

🎮 Capture your gameplay the same way I do! 👉

This video has been created and is owned by Clare Siobhan. This video is PG, family friendly and has no cursing or swearing! 💕

the sims 4 harry potter challenge 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Harry Potter | sims –

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주제와 관련된 이미지 the sims 4 harry potter challenge

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 ⚡️🧙‍♂️HARRY POTTER 🧙‍♂️⚡️ – In the Sims 4!. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

⚡️🧙‍♂️HARRY POTTER 🧙‍♂️⚡️ - In the Sims 4!
⚡️🧙‍♂️HARRY POTTER 🧙‍♂️⚡️ – In the Sims 4!

주제에 대한 기사 평가 the sims 4 harry potter challenge

  • Author: Clare Siobhán
  • Views: 조회수 776,200회
  • Likes: 좋아요 20,079개
  • Date Published: 2018. 1. 8.
  • Video Url link:

Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Geração 1: Trouxa

“Bruxos representam tudo que os ‘trouxas’ mais temem: Eles são claramente excluídos e se sentem confortáveis em estarem assim”

Quem veio primeiro, o ovo ou a galinha? Ou nesse caso, o trouxa ou o bruxo? Nós começaremos esse desafio com um belo e bom trouxa que não pensa muito fora da caixa. O desafio começa quando seu trouxa virar jovem adulto ou caso você já comece com ele jovem adulto Se você quiser começar com uma trouxa, ela deverá ser dona de casa Se você quiser começar com um trouxa, a carreira deverá ser Guru da Tenologia (Eles devem ser uma família tradicional para que o herdeiro se rebele

Pode escolher onde vai viver ou Windenburg

Deverá se casar e ter uma criança com esse parceiro

Deverá ter uma criança com um Sim estranho que conhecer na balada, essa criança será o herdeiro

Os pais e o meio-irmão do herdeiro o detestam por ele ser diferente e assim que ele virar jovem adulto será expulso de casa

Reino da Magia: Faça seu sim conhecer o estranho no bar em Glimmerbrook, esse sim deverá ser um bruxo O ideal é que seu Sim tenha apenas 2 filhos, um do parceiro trouxa e o outro desse sim estranho, porém o melhor é que seu segundo filho seja um bruxo, mas como sabemos que não é algo 100%, você pode ficar tentando ter filhos com o estranho até um sair bruxo e dessa forma ele será o herdeiro

Geração 2: Nascido-Trouxa

“Trouxa e orgulhosa disso!”

Sua família pode te odiar, mas você encontrou um mundo novo onde sente que pertence. A geração começa quando seu herdeiro virar adolescente

Deve ter o traço Pateta e/ou Criativo

Irá se mudar para Oasis Spring

Faça pelo menos 3 amigos

Tenha quatro filhos que irão ser cada um de casas diferente, escolha traços que combinem para eles (Exemplo: Gênio para Corvinal, Ambicioso para Sonserina, Seguro de Si para Grifinória e Bondoso para Lufa-Lufa)

Reino da Magia: Seu Sim deverá se mudar para Glimmerbrook pois é o mundo em que ele se sente em casa​ Você deverá vincular a Coruja como seu Familiar

Generação 3: Grifinória

“Quem sabe sua morada é na Grifinória, casa onde habitam os corações indômitos. Ousadia, sangue-frio e nobreza destacam os Alunos da Grifinória dos demais”


Você é o mais corajoso dos seus irmãos e seu sonho é lidar com vilões. A história começa quando seu filho da Grifinória se tornar Jovem Adulto

Deve ter o traço ‘Seguro de Si’

Deve ingressar na carreira ‘Agente Secreto’ e escolher o ramo ‘Agente Diamante’ (Ou em outras palavras, Auror”)

Deve ter um quarto todo vermelho ou uma casa se você preferir

Deve ter pelo menos 3 amigos

Exingua fogo em um lote

Tenha pelo menos dois filhos

Opcional: pode se mudar para Willow Creek

Opcional: Você pode fazer uma casa por geração, por exemplo: Grifinória dá à luz a um Lufa-Lufa, o Lufa-Lufa então tem um Corvinal e depois Corvinal tem um filho da Sonserina, apenas mantenha que a geração 2 tenha um de cada)

Reino da Magia: Caso escolha o herdeiro da Grifinória, você deverá ir para a escolha de bruxos e deverá se especializar apenas na Magia Indomável​ Um dos seus filhos não poderá ser bruxo, ele deverá ser um aborto. Você deverá vincular o Sapo como seu Familiar ou caso você tenha Cães e Gatos você pode ter um gato como familiar


Geração 3: Lufa-Lufa

“Quem sabe é na Lufa-Lufa que você vai morar, onde seus soldados são justos e leais, Pacientes, sinceros, sem medo da dor”

Você sente que deve seguir seu próprio caminho e escolher o que você quer fazer da vida. A história começa quando seu Lufa-Lufa virar Jovem adulto

Deve ter a aspiração ‘Curador’ (Lufa-Lufa são ótimos catadores!)

Deve ter um quarto amarelo ou casa se você preferir

Tenha pelo menos 3 amigos

Escolha uma carreira e chegue até o topo dela

Deve ter pelo menos 4 ou mais crianças

Opcional: pode se mudar para Willow Creek

Opcional: Você pode fazer uma casa por geração, por exemplo: Grifinória dá à luz a um Lufa-Lufa, o Lufa-Lufa então tem um Corvinal e depois Corvinal tem um filho da Sonserina, apenas mantenha que a geração 2 tenha um de cada)

Reino da Magia: Caso escolha o herdeiro da Lufa-Lufa, seu sim só pode se especializar em poções, colecionar sapos e familiares.​ Um dos seus filhos não poderá ser bruxo, ele deverá ser um aborto. Você deverá vincular o Morcego como seu Familiar


Geração 3: Corvinal

“Quem sabe será a velha e sábia Corvinal. A Casa dos que tem a mente sempre alerta, onde os homens de grande espírito e saber sempre encontraram companheiros seus iguais”

Você é o gênio da família e quer aprender sempre mais. A história começa quando seu Corvinal virar Jovem-Adulto

Deve ter a aspiração ‘Cérebro Nerd’

Deve ter um quarto azul ou uma casa se preferir

Deve ter uma biblioteca dentro de casa

Deve chegar ao nível máximo da habilidade de lógica

Nunca deverá se casar pois prefere se focar nos estudos (Pode viver em união estável, mas não casar)

Tenha pelo menos uma criança

Opcional: pode se mudar para Willow Creek

Opcional: Você pode fazer uma casa por geração, por exemplo: Grifinória dá à luz a um Lufa-Lufa, o Lufa-Lufa então tem um Corvinal e depois Corvinal tem um filho da Sonserina, apenas mantenha que a geração 2 tenha um de cada)

Reino da Magia: Caso escolha o herdeiro da Corvinal, seu sim só pode se especializar na Magia Prática Um dos seus filhos não poderá ser bruxo, ele deverá ser um aborto. Você deverá vincular o Corvo como seu Familiar


Geração 3: Sonserina

“Ou quem sabe você pertence à Sonserina. E ali fará seus verdadeiros amigos. Homens de astúcia que usam quaisquer meios para atingir os fins que antes colimaram.”

Você é ambicioso e quer ser bem sucedido na vida, você quer sair da sua vida modesta e alcançar as estralhas. Essa história começa quandoseu Sonserina virar Jovem Adulto

Deve ter o traço ambicioso

Deve ter um quarto verde ou uma casa se preferir

Escolha uma carreira e chegue até o topo dela

Case-se com um Sim bem rico e depois se divorcie para ficar com todo o dinheiro dele

Case-se novamente com alguém que seja bem sucedido na carreira

Tenha pelo menos um filho

Opcional: pode se mudar para Willow Creek

Opcional: Você pode fazer uma casa por geração, por exemplo: Grifinória dá à luz a um Lufa-Lufa, o Lufa-Lufa então tem um Corvinal e depois Corvinal tem um filho da Sonserina, apenas mantenha que a geração 2 tenha um de cada)

Reino da Magia: Caso escolha o herdeiro da Sonserina, seu sim só pode se especializar na Magia Travessa Você deve ter pelo menos 2 inimigos Um dos seus filhos não poderá ser bruxo, ele deverá ser um aborto. Você deverá vincular a Caveira como seu Familiar

Geração 4: Aborto

“Abortos são pessoas filhas de bruxos que, ao contrário do que se espera, nascem sem poderes mágicos ou não conseguem dominá-los com sucesso”

Você é um tanto estranho e ninguém consegue te entender. Para esconder o fato de você não ter habilidades mágicas, seus pais não te deixam sair de casa. Quando seu aborto virar adolescente, a história começa

Deve ter o traço insano e/ou solitário

Não pode sair de casa a não ser para ir para escola (até virar jovem adulto)

Deve entrar na carreira criminal

Seu parceiro deverá entrar na carreira Agente Secreto e escolher o ramo Vilão (aka Comensal da Morte) assim que vocês se casarem

Deve ter apenas um filho

Reino da Magia: Você sofreu muito por ser um aborto e quer garantir que seu filho será um bruxo, então só se relacionará com bruxos para que seu filho seja o Escolhido Você pode se casar com um bruxo Comensal da Morte (um Sim na carreira de vilão) e ficar tentando ter filhos apenas com ele caso você não queira ter vários relacionamentos O ideal é ter apenas um filho, mas como não há garantias que o primeiro será bruxo, você deverá tentar até um ser, os demais você deverá dar para a adoção (use a ferramente de gerenciar mundo para mudar os seus filhos trouxas de casa), ou você pode neglicenciá-los até a assistente social levá-los) Você não deverá ter um familiar

Geração 5: O Escolhido

​“A felicidade pode ser encontrada mesmo nas horas mais difíceis, se você lembrar de acender a luz”

Você odeia que seus pais tenham escolhido o lado negro e você quer ser uma pessoa boa. A história começa quando seu herdeiro virar jovem adulto

Deve ter um traço bom

Deve ter como aspiração “Amigo(a) do Mundo”

Deverá usar óculos

Deve ser inimigo dos pais

Os pais devem morrer

Case-se com um Sim aleatório

Tenha filhos até conseguir ter gêmeos (aconselho usar o traço de lote que aumenta a fertilidade)

Reino da Magia: Seus pais sempre quiseram que você fosse o bruxo mais poderosos de todos os tempos, mas você só quer ser um bruxo bom Ao virar adolescente, você será enviado para a escola de Magia e deverá se especializar apenas em poções e na magia Prática Você deverá ter o Dragão como familiar ou caso tenha Cães e Gatos, você pode ter um cachorro como familiar Você deverá ser o bruxo mais bonzinho possível, você deverá dar poções para outros sims como: Poção das Ncessidades Satisfeitas Poção da Estabilidade Emocional Poção do Rejuvenescimento Poção da Purificação de Maldições

Geração 6: Gêmeos

“Nossa, nós somos idênticos!”

Seus gêmeos sempre foram inseparáveis, mas agora é a hora de cada um deles seguir o seu destino. A história começa quando o gêmeo que você escolher virar Jovem Adulto

Deve ter a aspiração “Astro da Comédia”

Deve ter o cabelo vermelho

Continue melhor amigo do seu gêmeo

Chegue no nível máximo da habilidade de Travessura

Case-se e tenha seis filhos

Reino da Magia: O Gêmeo que você escolher deverá se especializar apenas na magia Travessa e deverá praticá-la o tempo todo Você pode ter uma loja que venda muita coisa doida Você deverá ter o Boneco Assombrado como familiar

Geração 7: Elfo Doméstico

“Um elfo doméstico deve ser livre, senhor.”

Você sempre amou cozinhar e arrumar a casa ao mesmo tempo em que sempre se manteve escondido. Quando seu elfo virar jovem adulto, a história começa

Deve ter o traço Gatrônomo

Deve ter orelhas pontudas

Quando sair de casa, deve usar meias esquisitas sempre! (Virou um elfo livre!)

Deverá entrar na carreira Culinária

Deverá fazer a comida e a limpeza da casa

Adote um filho (o herdeiro será o adotado, mas você pode se casar e ter filhos biológicos também)

Reino da Magia: Seu elfo doméstico poderá se especializar na magia Prática e deverá sempre fazer comidas para outros Sims, limpar tudo que estiver sujo e reparar o que estiver quebrado Não pode ter nenhum familiar

Geração 8: Durmstrang

“A Glória eterna! Isto é o que aguarda o estudante que vencer o torneio tribruxo, mas para isso, ele precisará sobreviver em três tarefas”

Você pode ter sido adotado, mas você nunca esqueceu suas raízes. Você quer honrar sua família e competir no Torneio Tribruxo. A história começa quando seu Durmstrang virar adolescente

Tenha um nome norueguês ou sueco

Tenha cabelos escuros

Tenha o traço Ativo

Torneio Tribruxo: tenha um cristal dourado (Jonquilista ou Citrino) no seu inventário ou na sua casa (representa o ovo dourado), tenha uma piscina e nade nela por uma hora inteira (Lago Negro) e encontre o centro de um labirinto – você pode fazer ou baixar na galeria

Case-se e tenha filhos até conseguir ter um menino

Opcitional: pode fazer a outra opção também, Durmstang pode dar à luz a um Beauxbaton e depois continua a geração ou ir direto para a nona geração

Reino da Magia: Você é a dotado e um trouxa, mas seu pai quis te enviar para a escola da Magia de qualquer jeito. Você só pode aprender magia Indomável Seu pai é o melhor pai do mundo e você quer deixá-lo orgulhoso e competir no Torneio Tribruxo Faça o torneio com as regras acima, mas você também deverá vencer os 3 Sábios da escola em um duelo para se considerar um verdadeiro campeão Deve vincular o Borboelho como seu Familiar


Geração 8: Beauxbatons

“A Glória eterna! Isto é o que aguarda o estudante que vencer o torneio tribruxo, mas para isso, ele precisará sobreviver em três tarefas”

Você pode ter sido adotado, mas você nunca esqueceu suas raízes. Você quer honrar sua família e competir no Torneio Tribruxo. A história começa quando seu Beauxbaton virar adolescente

Tenha um nome francês

Tenha cabelo loiro

Deve ter o traço Perfeccionista

Torneio Tribruxo: tenha um cristal dourado (Jonquilista ou Citrino) no seu inventário ou na sua casa (representa o ovo dourado), tenha uma piscina e nade nela por uma hora inteira (Lago Negro) e encontre o centro de um labirinto – você pode fazer ou baixar na galeria

Case-se e tenha dois filhos

Opcitional: pode fazer a outra opção também, Beauxbaton pode dar à luz a um Durmstrang e depois continua a geração ou ir direto para a nona geração

Reino da Magia: Você é adotado e um trouxa, mas seu pai quis te enviar para a escola da Magia de qualquer jeito. Você só pode aprender magia Indomável Seu pai é o melhor pai do mundo e você quer deixá-lo orgulhoso e competir no Torneio Tribruxo Faça o torneio com as regras acima, mas também você deverá vencer os 3 Sábios da escola em um duelo para se considerar um verdadeiro campeão Deve vincular a Fada como seu Familiar

Geração 9: Sangue-Puro

“Alguns bruxos se acham melhor que os outros porque eles tem sangue-puro”

Seus pais sempre deram um ar de lealdade e valor à sua linhagem e você cresceu acreditando que os sangue-puros são melhores que os demais. A história começa quando seu sangue-puro virar jovem adulto

Deve ter o traço Esnobe

Deve ter a aspiração Linhagem de Sucesso

Deve chegar no nível máximo de 3 habilidades diferentes

Case-se e tenha seis filhos gênios (Não se separe ou traia seu parceiro)

Reino da Magia: Você cresceu acreditando que é melhor do que os outros por ser um bruxo e por isso só se relaciona com bruxos Você pode se especializar em duas magias: Indomável e Travessa Deve vincular o Bode como seu Familiar

Geração 10: Aluno de Hogwarts

“Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus – Nunca faça cócegas num dração dormindo”

Harry Potter / Hogwarts Legacy!



This challenge is based off the Harry Potter books and films. It is designed for the Sims 4 and I have done my best despite the lack of supernatural elements to the current game. Therefore it isn’t 100% accurate bloodlines wise, etc, however each generation does embody fun character tropes and things so I hope you enjoy!

With some generations, you have options of who to choose as your heir and which challenge to complete. You can do both, or pick between the two. Your choice.

(Follow the original legacy challenge rules.)

Generation 1: Muggle “The wizards represent all that the true ‘muggle’ most fears: They are plainly outcasts and comfortable with being so.”

Which came first the chicken or the egg? Or in this case, the wizard or the muggle? We start with a straight-laced and traditional muggle founder who doesn’t like to think outside the box. When your muggle becomes a young adult, this story begins.

-If female, will be a house-wife / If male, will enter tech guru career track (They are supposed to be stereotypical, you see – so the heir can rebel.)

-Will live in Willow Creek

-Must get married and have at least 1 child

-Must have 1 extra child from a one night stand with a randomer, this child will be your heir

-When the heir becomes a young adult, the parents and heir become worst enemies and the heir is thrown out

Generation 2: Muggle-Born “Mudblood, and proud of it!”

You may have been outcasted from your family but you have found a new world in which you belong. When your muggle-born becomes a young adult, this story begins.

-Must have the ‘goofball’ and/or ‘creative’ traits

-Will move to Oasis Springs

-Make at least three new friends

-Have four children exactly that would all be sorted into different houses (Eg. a Genius for Ravenclaw, Ambitious for Slytherin, etc.)

Generation 3: Gryffindor “You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart, their daring, nerve, and chivalry set Gryffindors apart.”

You are the bravest of the bunch and your life’s dream has always been to put the bad guys in their place. This story begins when your Gryffindor becomes a YA.

-Must have self-assured trait

-Must go into the Secret Agent Career on the Diamond Agent branch (Aka – Auror!)

-Will have a red themed bedroom (or house if you wish)

-Must have at least three friends

-Extinguish a fire on the home lot

-Have at least two children

(Optional: Can move back to Willow Creek.)

(Optional 2: Can do each house generation; e.g – the Gyffindor gives birth to a Hufflepuff, then the Hufflepuff to a Ravenclaw and the Ravenclaw to a Slytherin. Just make sure Gen 2 has one from each house still.)


Generation 3: Hufflepuff “You might belong in Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal, those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil.”

You feel it is time to follow your own path and find what it is you want to do with your life. This story begins when your Hufflepuff becomes a YA.

-Must have the Curator ambition (Hufflepuff’s are exceptionally good finders!)

-Will have a yellow themed bedroom (or house if you wish)

-Have at least three friends

-Work hard and reach the top of chosen career ladder

-Must have four or more children

(Optional: Can move back to Willow Creek.)

(Optional 2: Can do each house generation; e.g – the Gyffindor gives birth to a Hufflepuff, then the Hufflepuff to a Ravenclaw and the Ravenclaw to a Slytherin. Just make sure Gen 2 has one from each house still.)


Generation 3: Ravenclaw “Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you’ve a ready mind, where those of wit and learning will always find their kind.”

You are the genius of the family and you aim to learn all you can about the world. This story begins when your Ravenclaw becomes a YA.

-Must have a knowledge aspiration

-Will have a blue themed bedroom (or house if you wish)

-Have a room dedicated to solely being a library

-Max the logic skill

-Never get married as you focus on learning (Can co-habit and be in a relationship)

-Have at least one child

(Optional: Can move back to Willow Creek.)

(Optional 2: Can do each house generation; e.g – the Gyffindor gives birth to a Hufflepuff, then the Hufflepuff to a Ravenclaw and the Ravenclaw to a Slytherin. Just make sure Gen 2 has one from each house still.)


Generation 3: Slytherin “Or perhaps in Slytherin, you’ll make your real friends, those cunning folks use any means to achieve their ends.”

You are ambitious and want to do well in life, you take a step away from the modest life and towards the high-life. This story begins when your Slytherin becomes a YA.

-Must have the ambitious trait

-Will have a green themed bedroom (or house if you wish)

-Reach the top of a chosen career

-Marry a rich sim then divorce them and steal their money

-Marry again, someone who is high up on any career track

-Have at least one child

(Optional: Can move back to Willow Creek.)

(Optional 2: Can do each house generation; e.g – the Gyffindor gives birth to a Hufflepuff, then the Hufflepuff to a Ravenclaw and the Ravenclaw to a Slytherin. Just make sure Gen 2 has one from each house still.)

Generation 4: Squib “A Squib is someone who was born into a wizarding family but hasn’t got any magic power, they are quite unusual.”

You are an anomaly that no-one understands and in an attempt to hide your lack of magical ability, your parents never allowed you to leave the house. When your squib becomes a teenager, this story begins.

-Must have the insane and/or loner trait

-Cannot leave the house unless it is for school (up to becoming a YA)

-Joins the criminal career to rebel against maltreatment

-Their partner must join the Secret Agent Villain branch (aka Death Eater!) once they are married

-Have only one child

Generation 5: Chosen One “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

You hate how your parents have followed the path of evil and you strive to stay in the light. When your chosen one becomes a young adult, this story begins.

-Must have good trait

-Will have friend of the world aspiration

-Will wear glasses for everyday

-Become enemies with parents

-Parents die

-Get married to a random sim

-Keep having children until they have twins (heir)

Generation 6: Twin “Wow, we’re identical!”

The twins have always been inseparable but now it is time for you to find your own destiny. When your twin becomes a YA, this story begins.

-Must have Joke Star aspiration

-Have red hair

-Stay best friends with your twin

-Max mischief skill

-Get married and have six children

Generation 7: House Elf “A house-elf must be set free, sir.”

Growing up, you loved to cook and keep the house clean, making it your duty to be seen and not heard. When your house elf becomes a young adult, this story begins.

-Have foodie trait

-Must have pointy ears

-When leaves parents house (to become a free elf!), must wear odd socks at all times

-Will enter culinary career track

-Should do all the cooking and cleaning

-Adopt at least one child (heir must be adopted but you can also get married and have your own children)

Generation 8: Durmstrang “”Eternal glory! That’s what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament, but to do this, that student must survive three tasks.”

You may have been adopted but you never forgot your foreign roots, you plan to honour this and compete in the Triwizard Tournament. This story begins when your Durmstrang becomes a teenager.

-Have a Norwegian / Swedish name

-Have dark hair

-Must have active trait

-Triwizard tournament: Have a golden coloured crystal (Jonquilyst or Citrine) in their inventory/home (golden egg), have a pool and swim in it for one hour straight (black lake) and find the centre of a maze – can be custom made (the maze).

-When this is complete, you can cheat until rich. (Eternal glory!)

-Get married and keep having children until you have a boy

(Optional: Can do both of these, Durmstang can have a Beauxbaton child then continue the legacy.)


Generation 8: Beauxbatons “Eternal glory! That’s what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament, but to do this, that student must survive three tasks.”

You may have been adopted but you never forgot your foreign roots, you plan to honour this and compete in the Triwizard Tournament. This story begins when your Beauxbatons becomes a teenager.

-Have a French name

-Have blonde hair

-Must have perfectionist trait

-Triwizard tournament: Have a golden coloured crystal (Jonquilyst or Citrine) in their inventory/home (golden egg), have a pool and swim in it for one hour straight (black lake) and find the centre of a maze – can be custom made (the maze).

-When this is complete, you can cheat until rich. (Eternal glory!)

-Get married and have two children

(Optional: Can do both of these, Durmstang can have a Beauxbaton child then continue the legacy.)

Generation 9: Pureblood “There’re some wizards who think they’re better’n everyone else because they’re what people call ‘pure-blood’.”

Your parents instilled in you a sense of value and loyalty towards your heritage that lead to you believing in pureblood supremacy. When your pureblood becomes a young adult, this story begins.

-Must have snob trait

-Will have Successful Lineage aspiration

-Max three different skills

-Get married and have six ‘genius’ children (Do not divorce or be unfaithful!)

Generation 10: Hogwarts Student “Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus”

Unlike your parents, you believe everyone is equal and no-one should be made to feel lesser. You decide to leave home and your parents values behind. When your Hogwarts Student becomes a young adult, this story begins.

-Leave home and move into a castle

-Become best friends with the elder who owns the castle and took you in (Dumbledore!)

-Decorate your room the colour of your chosen house

-Must make all money from selling paintings, writing, collecting, etc (no career)

-When the elder (Dumbledore) dies, you may get married and have children.

Post edited by Chessiechuu on December 2014

Harry Potter Legacy Rules

This challenge is based on Harry Potter movies and Books. It lasts through 10 generations and each one has influences from the Harry Potter Universe. By the end of the legacy, children should be born with the Ancient Bloodline.

Challenge originally created by Chessiechuu; Adapted by Teresa (me)

The changes I made were relatively minor, but do involve removing several generations and updating details. So that I have them where I can access them easily, I am posting my version here.

Generation 1: Muggle

​When your muggle becomes a young adult, this story begins.

If female, she will be a Stay Home Mom

If male, he will enter the Tech Guru career

Live in Willow Creek

Get married and have one child

Must have a second child from an affair or one-night stand with a spellcaster This child will be your heir This child needs to be a spellcaster

You should meet the spellcaster in Glimmerbrook

You should only have 2 kids, one with your muggle partner and the other with the spellcaster.

Generation 2: Muggle-Born

When your muggle-born becomes a young adult, this story begins.

Must have the goofball and/or creative traits

Make at least three new good friends

Marry a spellcaster

Have four children that would all be sorted into different houses. Gryffindor will be your heir

Move to Glimmerbrook

Have the Sixam Owl as your Familiar

Generation 3: Gryffindor

This story begins when your Gryffindor becomes a teen.

Must have the self-assured and/or adventurous traits

Must go into the Secret Agent Career, Diamond Agent branch

Must have a popularity aspiration

Max charisma skill

Have a red themed bedroom or house

Make at least three new good friends

Marry a spellcaster

Have four children that would all be sorted into different houses. Hufflepuff will be your heir

Specialize only in Untamed Magic Spells

Have the Glowfrog as your Familiar

Generation 4: Hufflepuff

This story begins when your Hufflepuff becomes a teen.

Must have the loves outdoors and/or geek traits

Must go into Gardening career, Botanist branch

Must have a nature aspiration

Max gardening skill

Have a yellow themed bedroom or house

Make at least three new good friends

Marry a spellcaster

Have four children that would all be sorted into different houses. Ravenclaw will be your heir

Specialize only in Alchemy, potion making Complete as many collections as possible

Have the Leafbat as your Familiar

Generation 5: Ravenclaw

This story begins when your Ravenclaw becomes a teen.

Must have the bookworm and/or genius traits

Must join the Education career, Professor branch

Must have a knowledge aspiration

Max research and debate skill

Have a blue themed bedroom or house Have a room dedicated to solely being a library

Make at least three new good friends

Marry a spellcaster

Have four children that would all be sorted into different houses. Slytherin will be your heir

Specialize only in Practical Magic Spells

Have the Raven as your Familiar

Generation 6: Slytherin

This story begins when your Slytherin becomes a teen.

Must have the ambitious trait

Must reach the top of the Business career, Management branch

Must have a fortune aspiration

Max logic skill

Have a green themed bedroom or house

Marry a rich sim then divorce them and take all the money

Marry again, someone who is high up on any career track

Have at least one child

Specialize only in Mischief Magic Spells

Have the Skull as your Familiar

Generation 7: Misfit

When your misfit becomes a teen, this story begins.

Must have the erratic trait

Have a creativity aspiration

Max three different musical skills

Get married

Have six children Have at least one set of twins One of the twins will be the heir

You can study two fields: your choice of Untamed Magic, Practical Magic, or Mischief Magic

Have a Bunnerfly as your Familiar

Generation 8: Twins

When your twin becomes a teen, this story begins.

Must have Joke Star aspiration

Remain best friends with your twin

Max mischief skill

Get married

Have six children

Specialize in Mischief Magic Spells

Own a retail store

Have a Hex Doll as a Familiar

Generation 9: Chosen One

When your chosen one becomes a teen, this story begins.

Must have the good trait

Have a family aspiration

Glasses, for sure

Get married

Have twins One of the twins will be the heir

Specialize in Alchemy/potion making and Practical Magic Spells

Have the Dragon as your Familiar

Generation 10: Hogwarts

When your Hogwarts student becomes a teen, this story begins.

Leave home and move into a castle/mansion

Become best friends with the elder who owns the castle

Decorate your room the color of your chosen house

No career, earn money in other ways

When the elder dies, you may get married and have children.

Must learn all the spells

Must complete the following aspirations: Purveyor of Potions and Spellcraft & Sorcery

Have the Phoenix as your Familiar

And then, you are done.


If you’re interested in writing and/or reading sims stories, participating in fun competitions and events, joining a friendly and welcoming community, completing legacies and challenge and earning medals, or just having a great place to discuss Sims 2, Sims 3, or Sims 4, then there is a place for you at the Forums

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The Sims 4: Harry Potter Legacy Challenge

Have you ever thought “Hey, how can I make my sims cooler than they already are?” We got you, man. You can now ascend to the next level of fandom with the Harry Potter Legacy Challenge. There’s really only one question, are you ready to get back to Hogwarts? If you haven’t read (or watched) the Harry Potter series, WHY? Just kidding. This challenge is fun for everyone, not just hardcore fans! Besides, maybe playing will make you want to introduce yourself to the wonderful world of Harry Potter. This challenge was made by me (@clovervalley) and @bumblebee-sims. We had so much fun making it, and would love to talk to you guys and see your sims if you decide to play this challenge!

Basic Rules:

Each generation is only loosely based off a character from the wildly popular Harry Potter™ series since there’s not an exact conversion from the series to the sims! We tried our best to accommodate what we felt were some of the most important traits and values of each character.

You are in no way obligated to have your heir be the same gender, race, or sexuality as the main character in each generation.

Each gen “starts” when the heir turns into a young adult, but feel free to build up their skills and complete objectives before then!

Normal lifespan, please!

Money cheats are generally frowned upon 🙁

Try and save all the gravestones from your heirs (and their families if you would like!) for reasons that will become evident later on in the challenge 😉

Please don’t reupload/repost this challenge as yours without permission! We spent a very long time making it…

The packs technically “needed” for this challenge are Get to Work, City Living, Cats & Dogs, and Parenthood. See the disclaimer at the end for more info if you are missing any of these!

If you want to follow our own HP Legacy sims’ adventures on Tumblr, they’re @leviossims and @lumo-sims

You can also follow my let’s play of this challenge on youtube, starting here!

You can posts sims you make and builds you create for this legacy on the gallery using #ts4hplegacy or #hplegacy and you can use that same tag on Tumblr if you want us to check out your legacy!

_______________________________________________________________Gen 1: “Harry Potter”

Your childhood was, to use the technical term, sucky. You were adopted by an awful family and when you were still in school an evil classmate would constantly harass you. Because of everything you went through, your dream career is to be the chief of your local police squadron so that you can stand up for those taken advantage of by others. Along with fighting crime, you aspire to give your children the life you never got growing up.

Traits: Good, Hot-Headed, Family-Oriented Aspiration: Super Parent Career: Detective


Begin your life as a young adult living in a semi starter home- it’s okay to cheat a little so your house is actually decorated, but once you build it cheat the family funds to §2000!

Master the Parenting skill

Reach level 10 of the Detective career and complete the Super Parent aspiration

Have as many children as you please, but one must be adopted. (You want to give a kid just like you a chance at a happy life)


Gen 2: “Ginny Weasley”

Unlike your parent’s childhood, which was filled with cruelty, your own childhood was practically perfect. With your kind and devoted parents carting you to whatever class or sport they could afford and having enough siblings to form a soccer team, you grew up with one dream: making it to the big leagues.

Traits: Athletic, Self-Assured, Outgoing Aspiration: Bestselling Author Career: Athlete


Join the Athlete Career (Quidditch, anyone?)

Master the Fitness and Writing skills

Reach level 6 of the Professional Athlete branch in the Athlete career before you have your first child (traveling for games takes up all your time!)

Once your first child turns into a toddler, you quit your job as an athlete and become a stay-at-home mom/dad who loves to write about sports and your adventures as an athlete

Complete the Bestselling Author aspiration


Gen 3: “Ron Weasley”

Your parents were great, really. It’s just that with one of them unemployed and taking care of you and your siblings, there wasn’t really enough money… ever. It’s not that you were jealous of your friends, per say, you just think that you deserve exactly what they have. Your grandparent helped raise you, and they would regale you with tales of their daring detective adventures. You want to be just like them… except you want more danger.

Traits: Jealous, Glutton, Slob Aspiration: Friend of the World Career: Secret Agent


Marry your best friend

Visit all the city festivals at least once on “missions”

Master the Handiness and Charisma skills (Macgyver, anyone?)

Reach level 10 of the Secret Agent career and complete the Friend of the World aspiration


Gen 4: “Tom Riddle/Voldemort”

So what if your parents were kind and supportive? Some people just want to see the world burn, and you are one of those people. You know you’re better than your family, and one day you’re going to prove it. This is a world that runs on ambition, and you certainly have plenty of it.

Traits: Evil, Ambitious, Snob Aspiration: Public Enemy Career: Criminal


Become enemies with both of your parents

Have a one night stand resulting in a baby

Never marry or have a significant other and only have one (1) child

You resent your child and ignore them whenever possible

Reach level 10 of the Criminal Career and complete the Public Enemy aspiration

Master the Mischief and Vampire Lore skills (you’re obsessed with the idea of being immortal, switch or leave the skill out if you don’t have the vampire game pack)

Drink the “Potion of Youth” once in your lifetime


Gen 5: “Draco Malfoy”

All you ever wanted was your parent’s love. If you had to be a bad person, no matter how uncomfortable it made you, you did it just so that they would pay attention to you for once. Your parent’s evil ways led you to join the business career, although you pride yourself on not always making the unethical decision.

Traits: Snob, Materialistic, Perfectionist Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy Career: Business


Have a bad or nonexistent relationship with your parent your whole life

Hang around with the “bad” crowd as a teen, and become enemies with a nice sim (it’s your choice whether or not to make up with this sim!)

Follow in your parent’s footsteps by joining the Criminal Career, but quit at level three. You want to do something better with your life and join the Business Career directly after.

Marry a sim with the “Good” trait

Have the perfect little family with only two children

Reach level 10 of the Business Career

Master the Charisma skill and complete the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration


Gen 6: “Rubeus Hagrid”

You were always grateful that your parents were the opposite of your evil grandparent, but the world of business and bowties is not for you. You’ve always loved the great outdoors, and all the little animals that came with it. As an adult, you’ve decided to devote your life to saving animals, and you couldn’t be happier. Now all you need is a family of your own to have everything you’ve ever wanted. Little animals included.

Traits: Dog Lover, Cat Lover, Loves Outdoors Aspiration: Friend of the Animals Career: Veterinary


Master the Gardening and Pet Training skills

Have a 5 Star Veterinary Clinic before you die

Complete the Friend of the Animals aspiration

Fall in love with a scientist, but never get married. (You believe that a simple piece of paper isn’t enough to symbolize your love)

You always have lots of children and animals running around your house

Your partner disappears or dies (up to you) the day before your first child ages up into a teen due to a lab accident


Gen 7: “Luna Lovegood”

You’ve always been somewhat of a “strange” child (or so your classmates have said), but when your parent disappeared from your life for good you became even more secluded, and somewhat of a loner. Your other parent loves animals and when their partner disappeared, they became obsessed with idea of bringing them back. You would often join your parent on their quest to the mystical, and now you want to catalogue all of the fantastic beasts you’ve encountered.

Traits: Cheerful, Creative, Loner Aspiration: The Curator Career: Writer


Reach the Journalism branch of the Writer career

Complete the Curator aspiration

Master the Rocket Science and Writing skills

Complete the Frog and Alien collections

Build a rocket ship

Visit Sixam on the rocket ship at least once


Gen 8: “Molly Weasley”

If there was a “total bad-a**” trait in the Sims 4, you would definitely have it. As a child, you were always the one dubbed as the “mom friend”, and now, as an adult, you want children aplenty. After all, it’s practically your destiny. With your high school sweetheart at your side, you are ready to conquer the world of parenting- one diaper at a time.

Traits: Neat, Foodie, Outgoing Aspiration: Big Happy Family Career: Stay-at-Home Parent


Marry your high school sweetheart

Have at least one pet

Have four or more kids

All of your children and teens must have an A in school before they age up

Complete the Big Happy Family aspiration

Master the Cooking and Parenting skills


Gen 9: “Hermione Granger”

As one of many children, you would often sneak away from your boisterous brothers and sisters to read the newest book at the library. What could be more interesting than the latest adventures of Henry Puffer? As much as your siblings and your classmates tease you for your obsession, one day you’re going to save the world, you’re sure of it.

Traits: Bookworm, Ambitious, Perfectionist Aspiration: Renaissance Sim Career: Politician


Complete the Renaissance Sim aspiration, but cheat/skip over every requirement that has you changing careers (You’re a one career sim!)

Reach level 10 of the Politician career in the Charity Organizer branch

Master 4 skills, what those are is up to you!

Only have twins, no other children

One of the twins dies (or disappears) when they are a teen or as soon as they turn into a young adult


Gen 10: “George Weasley”

Nature gave you a built in best friend. You would run around town with them, playing pranks, and causing mischief. You were inseparable, until an accident took your twin away. It was hard to be funny when you’d lost your other half. Slowly though, you regained your smile, and you continued to live, just as your twin would have wanted. You decided to become a comedian and bring a smile to those who need it.

Traits: Goofball, Childish, Genius Aspiration: Joke Star Career: Comedian


Every time the Humor and Hijinks festival comes to town, you have to go- it’s a twin thing

Master the Comedy and Mischief skills

Reach level 10 of the Entertainer career in the Comedian branch

Complete the Joke Star aspiration

The death of your twin left you emotionally scarred, and you don’t want to have kids and have that happen to them. (See below if you want to continue)

If you want to keep your legacy going, only have a few kids after you turn into an adult- it was a huge decision to make

Throw a huge party when you turn into an elder and invite as many of the heirs of this legacy as possible! You can do this by befriending their ghosts from the gravestones we had you save, or you can take old copies of them from your gallery. This is pretty much the equivalent of a death day party in Harry Potter 🙂


Congratulations, you have successfully (I hope) completed the Harry Potter Legacy Challenge!


The Sims 4: Legacy Challenge

Harry and Ginny have themselves what resembles a house now! It’s not much but every bit of it has been earnt by them. Harry’s moving up the career slowly, and Ginny is knocking on the changing room door of the Holy Harpies!

Harry’s starting to think that Ron prefers his little home as well – he never seems to leave! I think he misses the company – Hermione is always in her room reading books about the ministry, Fred and George mostly stay at Weasley’s Wizard’s Wheezes, Neville’s back at Hogwarts working as Professor Sprout’s assistant (ready to take over when she leaves) and Luna is always out and about looking for weird and wonderful things. Ron helps out at the shop when he can, but he definitely needs to find something more permanent!

Sims 4 Challenges To Try — 4-Generation Legacy: Harry Potter Houses.

I was outraged at people’s stereotypes on houses, so I have made this based on all the house traits mentioned on Pottermore. This is ideal if you want a quick-play challenge.


Aspiration: Leader of the Pack (or Party Animal if you don’t have GT)

Traits: Self-Assured, Outgoing, Bro.

Career: Detective (or Secret Agent if you don’ t have GTW) ~ like an Auror!

Have a small group of friends that you would trust with your life. Throw a party every Saturday. Marry one of your close friends and have three children. Master career and complete aspiration.


Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy

Traits: Ambitious, Materialistic, Jealous.

Career: Business (either branch)

You long to be rich. You have always been jealous of your siblings, who were treated far better than you. Have a large group of acquaintances and one best friend. Leave your career when you have earned 30,000 Simoleans. Marry somebody rich and have one child. Complete your aspiration.


Aspiration: Friend of the World

Traits: Good, Cheerful, Foodie.

Career: Chef

You were spoilt as a child and you hated your parents for treating you differently and treating others awfully. You resolved to always be kind to others and refused to take your parents’ money when you moved out. You worked hard at your career and had a great life. Have at least five good friends. Master your career and the cooking skill. Marry your first crush and have twins. Complete your aspiration.


Aspiration: Renaissance Sim

Traits: Genius, Creative, Loner.

Career: Writer.

You were always different to your twin and you grew apart when they started being clingy. You found you were better on your own and prized your individuality. You were very creative and wrote many stories throughout your life. Write at least five books. Get an ‘A’ in school (both schools). Master your career, aspiration and the writing skill. Marry a fellow writer but never have any children.

This is my first challenge so please let me know what you think!

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