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City Mini GT2 3-Wheel Stroller – Baby Jogger

Gear up for adventures wherever you may stroll. From smooth sewalks to bumpy trails and everything in between, the uncompromising agility of our all-terrain …

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Baby Jogger City Mini 3 matkarattaat
Baby Jogger City Mini 3 matkarattaat

주제에 대한 기사 평가 baby jogger city mini 3

  • Author: ATLastenturva
  • Views: 조회수 1,641회
  • Likes: 좋아요 3개
  • Date Published: 2014. 3. 1.
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City Mini 3


BABY JOGGER guarantees the frame of its STROLLER products for life, against manufacturing defects, limited to the first purchaser and for the entire period of use by the first purchaser. A lifetime warranty means that manufacturing defects are covered for the entire period of use by the first purchaser of the product and in accordance with the weight specifications specified in the product instruction booklet. The first purchaser must be in possession of the original proof of purchase to activate this warranty.

Click here for more

Baby Jogger City Mini pushchair review

If you’re looking for a 3-wheeler that’s lightweight and easy to fold, look no further than the Baby Jogger City Mini.

The Baby Jogger City Mini first launched in 2008 and has a lightweight frame, is easy to fold and manoeuvre.

With the Baby Jogger’s patented Quick-Fold Technology, it can be folded in one easy step and held in the folded position on public transport or in storage with the fold strap.

10 of the most compact folding buggies

I think it’s important to tell you that I usually gravitate towards small, lightweight buggies. I loved my Bugaboo Bee and Babyzen Yoyo.

I don’t have a huge amount of storage space and live in a big city, so small buggies are ideal for me.

So, that said, I don’t consider this a lightweight buggy – even though it is marketed as one and weighs just 7.6kg – because it takes up a lot of room in the boot of my car and my cupboard.

But I don’t care because I LOVE it.

Compared with the smaller buggies I’ve owned (especially the Yoyo), it is a dream to push.

The first time I tested out the City Mini, I used it while my husband pushed the Yoyo along one of our favourite (heavily-stoned) walks.

I had the big kid in the City Mini, he had the baby in the Yoyo. His walk was a chore, mine a breeze. This buggy is made for gravel walks, grassy routes and crooked paths.

You can buy the Baby Jogger on Amazon, or at John Lewis.

Watch 5 things you need to know about the Baby Jogger City Mini

Does the fact it’s a 3-wheeler make it easier to manoeuvre?

I haven’t pushed a three-wheel buggy before and was surprised at what a difference it makes. Turning is easy, and speed-walking feels like what this buggy was made for, though it should be pointed out that despite the name, this is not a jogging pushchair!

The wheels are big and sturdy, it feels like you could be pretty rough with them and they’d hold up.

10 of the best all-terrain and 3-wheeler buggies

Is it travel system compatible?

Yes – you can buy the Baby Jogger City Go infant car seat (£119.99), which will fit on it with a car seat adapter (£28.99).

It’s also compatible with popular seats like the Maxi-Cosi Cabriofix, Pebble and Pebble Plus, as well as the Cybex Aton and Kiddy Evolution Pro.

How compact is it and how does it fare on the bus, in shops, around town?

I live in London and bus-buggy-wars to get the spot are real. Tiny buggies are ideal for the bus, so this buggy isn’t my favourite for travelling. But I’m coming at this with experience of a Yoyo and a Bee, which are so much easier on public transport.

This is also pretty annoying to take on the Underground. I don’t like taking it on the escalator, and it isn’t easy to walk it up and down flights of stairs without help from a stranger. I try not to use this on the bus and the underground for that reason.

Best buggies for city life and public transport

Another niggle is that my toddler holds the buggy instead of my hand while he walks, and he keeps tripping over the back wheel.

I also find it awkward to get this in and out of shop doors. That said, I have been stopped more than once by other mothers to tell me they also had this brand of buggy and how much they loved it.

How compact is it when folded?

It folds pretty flat in half. The folded measurements are 25cm x 61cm x 78.5cm.

It’s reasonably compact, but it takes up more room than I’d like. The wheels are huge, though, so I understand why.

What did you think of the handlebar?

You can’t adjust the height of the handle. I’m 5ft 2ins and the height is fine for me. My 6ft 2ins husband is also fine with it.

How big is the Baby Jogger City Mini seat unit?

The seat unit is fantastic. Both my one-year-old and my three and a half-year-old sit in this comfortably. At 49.5cm tall, and 32cm across at the shoulders, it has great longevity!

Best buggies for tall or heavy babies

How is the harness?

I find it a little annoying. So many buggies and car seats have a poor buckle design – someone out there, please make a great one! The top part of the harness falls out constantly. When you’re wrestling a wriggly child in and out of the buggy – especially a grumpy, tired one – it needs to be quick and easy to do up.

How many recline positions are there?

The seat reclines using a toggle, so you can prop it to pretty much any height you want – and it lies practically flat.

I also have a Britax B-Agile double buggy, which is also a toggle system, and the City Mini’s is infinitely easier to use. Having said that, toggle systems aren’t my favourite because you have to put the break on and use both hands to make it work.

But they do give you the flexibility to have the seat at any angle you want it to.

How comfy is the Baby Jogger City Mini?

It’s where my baby naps all the time, whether we’re walking outside or just home with it parked in the bedroom (we live one-level). I use a cosy toes buggy bag in it (not the official one), and it works very well.

How is interacting with your little one in the Baby Jogger City Mini?

The peek-a-boo hoods make it easier to interact, but it’s a forward-facing buggy so interaction is never going to be ideal. While pushing it, I can’t soothe my baby with my voice adequately in it, but I don’t expect to be able to.

How about the hood?

The standard hood it comes with is excellent – it is a triple, meaning it’s huge, and it has two peek-a-boo holes so you can see if your baby is asleep (or not!).

Plus it’s got UPF50+ sun protection, so it’s perfect for holidays or sunny days.

What do you think of the basket?

When it comes to shopping, the basket is a great size but awkward to get to – you can’t get to it from the front, only the back. There’s a warning that you shouldn’t dangle your bag from the buggy’s handles printed on it (you shouldn’t dangle your bag from any buggy’s handles, really, though I do), but I found it difficult to squash my nappy bag underneath.

What age is it best for?

It is suitable from newborn, in the near lie-flat seat, and can also be paired with a carrycot which you can buy separately, varying from £139.99 to a deluxe version for £199.99. I personally think it’s best for babies aged around nine-months-old and up because it is forward-facing.

15 of the best buggies suitable from newborn

What’s in the box?


Shopping basket



Is it easy to build?

Incredibly easy to assemble. The easiest buggy I’ve tested by far – you just slot the wheels on. It took one minute.

Who would it be most useful for?

Parents who do a lot of walking on rough pavement or grass, who are happy for a forward-facing buggy.

Anything unique about it?

The three-wheels, which means it is very easy to push over rough terrain.

Is it good value for money or do you have to buy a lot of additional extras?

It is fantastic value for money, with an RRP of £269.99, though it can be found for less than this at online retailers. You can buy a separate carrycot (£139.99-£199.99), a cosy toes footmuff (£49.99), a rain cover (£24.99) and cup-holder (£22.99), as well as tons more accessories.

MadeForMums verdict:

Incredibly easy to push, very comfortable for passengers, great price. I would absolutely recommend.

We’ve got more of the best baby products right here…

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