유튜브 Something Went Wrong | 유튜브 원숭이 나올때 해결책 [Something Went Wrong]증상해결책 242 개의 가장 정확한 답변

당신은 주제를 찾고 있습니까 “유튜브 something went wrong – 유튜브 원숭이 나올때 해결책 [something went wrong]증상해결책“? 다음 카테고리의 웹사이트 th.taphoamini.com 에서 귀하의 모든 질문에 답변해 드립니다: https://th.taphoamini.com/wiki. 바로 아래에서 답을 찾을 수 있습니다. 작성자 내돈내산 [현실 리뷰] 이(가) 작성한 기사에는 조회수 1,574회 및 좋아요 21개 개의 좋아요가 있습니다.

Table of Contents

유튜브 something went wrong 주제에 대한 동영상 보기

여기에서 이 주제에 대한 비디오를 시청하십시오. 주의 깊게 살펴보고 읽고 있는 내용에 대한 피드백을 제공하세요!

d여기에서 유튜브 원숭이 나올때 해결책 [something went wrong]증상해결책 – 유튜브 something went wrong 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

#something went wrong #유튜브 오류 #유뷰트 원숭이

유튜브 something went wrong 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

유튜브 Something went wrong 해결방법 – 정리해주는 남자

Youtube Help 공식 조치사항 · 페이지를 새로고침 하세요. · 브라우저 탭을 많이 켜놓았다면 유튜브를 위해 켜놓은 탭 말고 대부분 꺼보세요. · 브라우저를 …

+ 여기를 클릭

Source: ggugy.com

Date Published: 12/21/2022

View: 3150

유튜브(Youtube) Something went wrong… 접속 안될 때 해결방법

그래서 ‘Something went wrong…’ 검색해서 방법을 찾았다. 방법은 아주 간단하다. 크롬 브라우저 – 설정 – 고급 – 재설정 및 정리하기 – 설정은 기본값 …

+ 여기에 더 보기

Source: 88design.tistory.com

Date Published: 12/19/2022

View: 5024

유튜브 Something Went wrong 뜰 때 – 생각 블로그

크롬에서 유튜브를 접속하는데 Something went wrong youtube이라고 뜨며 접속이 안될 때가 있습니다. PC 혹은 스마트폰에서 접속이 안될때 어떻게 …

+ 여기에 더 보기

Source: semino.tistory.com

Date Published: 4/15/2022

View: 9517

[youtube]Something went wrong… 갑자기 원숭이가 왜나와?

얼마 전 유튜브 설정창에서 개설된 빈 채널을 지우다 갑자기 유튜브 페이지 접속 에러가 뜨면서 유튜브에 접속이 … [youtube]Something went wrong.

+ 더 읽기

Source: cokejoa.tistory.com

Date Published: 6/26/2022

View: 7436

Troubleshoot YouTube Error “Something Went Wrong” on …

YouTube may keep notifying something went wrong due to misconfiguration or corrupt settings of the YouTube app or browser.

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오

Source: appuals.com

Date Published: 2/27/2022

View: 9204

유튜브 오류 Something went wrong 접속장애 에러 이유는?

유튜브는 세계 최대 동영상 플랫폼으로 어떠한 동영상 스트리밍 플랫폼 서비스보다 더 안정적이어야 할 텐데, 오늘 웬일인지 Something went wrong이라는 문구..

+ 여기에 표시

Source: nomad.joblesskorea.com

Date Published: 5/18/2022

View: 6612

Fix YouTube error, Something went wrong – The Windows Club

Fix YouTube error, Something went wrong · Make sure YouTube servers are not down. · Check your internet connection. · Update your browser. · Clear …

+ 더 읽기

Source: www.thewindowsclub.com

Date Published: 4/4/2022

View: 2898

Something Went Wrong YouTube Error – Fix with These …

This error occurred while accessing the YouTube account through a web browser. It can be caused by a number of reasons, including outdated web …

+ 더 읽기

Source: youtubedownload.minitool.com

Date Published: 7/16/2021

View: 7811

Fix Something went wrong YouTube error with these steps

What to do when YouTube says something went wrong? · 1. Update your browser · 2. Remove devices from Google Account · 3. Change Google account …

+ 여기에 자세히 보기

Source: windowsreport.com

Date Published: 8/1/2021

View: 8316

주제와 관련된 이미지 유튜브 something went wrong

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 유튜브 원숭이 나올때 해결책 [something went wrong]증상해결책. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

유튜브 원숭이 나올때 해결책 [something went wrong]증상해결책
유튜브 원숭이 나올때 해결책 [something went wrong]증상해결책

주제에 대한 기사 평가 유튜브 something went wrong

  • Author: 내돈내산 [현실 리뷰]
  • Views: 조회수 1,574회
  • Likes: 좋아요 21개
  • Date Published: 2021. 7. 2.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJ7ntvTKqQg

유튜브 Something went wrong 해결방법

유튜브 Something went wrong 해결방법

유튜브 뿐만 아니라 어떤 프로그램이나 사이트를 열때 오류가 생길 수 있습니다. 이런 오류가 어떤 것 때문에 생겼는지 알고 해결하는 것이 중요합니다. 이 포스팅에서는 유튜브에서 로그인할 때 Something went wrong 이라는 문구가 나온다면 어떻게 해결해야하는지 알려드리겠습니다.

다양한 영상 플랫폼 중에서도 유튜브는 무료로 자유롭게 영상을 올릴수도 있고 볼수도 있는 곳입니다. 그래서 아마 스마트폰으로 영상을 보는 시간 중에서 많은 시간을 유튜브로 보내고 있을 것입니다. 그렇기 때문에 문제가 발생하면 바로 해결해주는 것이 속 편할 것입니다.

유튜브 로그인 에러 증상

유튜브 로그인을 하는데 여러가지 오류가 있습니다.

Sorry, something went wrong

Something went wrong…

서버에 문제가 발생했습니다[503]. 다시시도

유튜브 원숭이 모양 (크롬)

이런 오류 모두 100퍼센트 정답은 없습니다. 많은 사람들이 위와 같은 문제를 겪고 있다면 해당 문제는 구글 유튜브 자체의 서버 문제로 생각하면 됩니다. 만약 그렇다면 몇시간이 지나고 나면 바로 해결 될 문제입니다.

유튜브 somthing went wrong 오류

Something went wrong 해결방법

크롬에서 이 문제가 발생했을때는 쿠키 삭제를 통해서 해결할 수 있습니다. 익스플로러나 사파리 등의 다른 브라우저에서는 되는데 크롬에서만 유튜브가 되지 않을 때 아래와 같은 방법을 사용하면 됩니다.

PC 해결방법

PC 크롬 프로그램에서만의 문제라면 크롬 내의 인터넷 기록, 쿠키를 삭제함으로써 해결할 수 있습니다.

① 크롬 우측 상단의 …을 선택하시고 설정에 들어가주세요.

② 크롬 설정 목록 중 인터넷 사용 기록 삭제를 선택합니다.

③ 인터넷 사용 기록, 쿠키 및 기타 사이트 데이터, 캐시된 이미지 및 파일 모두 삭제 해버립니다.

스마트폰 해결방법

스마트폰에서는 크롬 앱으로 볼일은 잘 없겠지만 보는 사람도 있겠죠. 크롬 앱에서 문제가 발생했다면 똑같은 방법으로 인터넷 쿠키 등을 지워주면 됩니다.

① 크롬 앱에서 우측 하단의 … > 설정 > 개인정보보호로 들어갑니다.

② 인터넷 사용 기록 > 인터넷 사용기록, 쿠키, 사이트 데이터 등을 체크 > 인터넷 사용 기록 삭제를 해주면 됩니다.

유튜브 서버 문제

유튜브 자체 서버 문제일 경우가 있습니다. 이런 경우 뉴스 속보로 나오기도 하고 각종 커뮤니티에서 언급이 되기 때문에 확인하시기 바랍니다. 보통은 몇시간 이내로 고쳐지기 때문에 조금만 기다리면 정상적으로 이용할 수 있습니다.

Youtube Help 공식 조치사항

유튜브에서 공식적으로 여러 오류가 발생했을 때의 조치 사항에 대해서 알려드립니다.

유튜브 영문 오류 해결 방법

페이지를 새로고침 하세요.

브라우저 탭을 많이 켜놓았다면 유튜브를 위해 켜놓은 탭 말고 대부분 꺼보세요.

브라우저를 다시 시작하세요.

라우터를 다시 시작해보세요.

컴퓨터를 다시 시작해보세요.

브라우저를 최신 버전으로 업데이트하세요.

구글 크롬 브라우저로 사용해보세요.

크롬 확장버전인 ‘YouTube Flash Video Player 57.0’을 제거하세요.

만약 지금 유튜브 오류가 발생했다면 댓글로 소식을 알리면 좋을 것 같습니다. 많은 사람들이 겪고 있는 것이라면 서버 문제일 확률이 높으니까요.

유튜브(Youtube) Something went wrong… 접속 안될 때 해결방법


유튜브 접속하면 계속 원숭이가 뜸

크롬 브라우저로 유튜브(Youtube.com)에 접속하면 자꾸 원숭이가 보여진다. 답답해서 다른 브라우저 켜서 유튜브 들어가니 들어가진다. 그 뜻은 브라우저 문제(?)

그래서 ‘Something went wrong…’ 검색해서 방법을 찾았다.

방법은 아주 간단하다.

크롬 브라우저 – 설정 – 고급 – 재설정 및 정리하기 – 설정은 기본값으로 복원 – 설정 초기화 하면 정상적으로 유튜브에 들어 갈 수 있다. 이제 유튜브에 편하게 접속하면 된다. 저 같은 경우, Something went wrong… 발생한 원인은 유튜브 채널 중에 하나를 삭제했었는데 그 때 충돌이 되었는지 먹통이 된 것 같다. 컴알못이라 솔직히 정확한 원인은 모르겠지만 역시 초기화 시키는게 제일 좋은 방법이네요.


유튜브 Something Went wrong 뜰 때


크롬에서 유튜브를 접속하는데 Something went wrong youtube이라고 뜨며 접속이 안될 때가 있습니다.

PC 혹은 스마트폰에서 접속이 안될때 어떻게 하면 동작되는지 알아보겠습니다.


갑자기 원숭이가 뜬다. 크롬만 되지않을때

크롬에서 유튜브가 갑자기 접속이 안되는 경우입니다.

만약 익스플로어나 다른 브라우저 접속시 유튜브가 들어가진다면 다음과 같은 방법을 이용해봅시다

컴퓨터(PC) 해결방법

의외로 간단하다.

크롬 상단바에 점 세게가 있는 부분을 클릭해주자

그런다음 설정에 들어가준다

하단부에 인터넷 사용 기록 삭제를 눌러준다

인터넷 사용 기록 삭제를 눌러 모든 쿠키를 삭제해준다.

결론적으로 쿠키를 삭제해주면 삭제된다.

스마트폰 해결방법

모바일에서도 동일하게 앱설정에 들어가서 모든 쿠키를 삭제해준다

다음과 같은 방법을 통해 삭제하면 된다.

구글 유튜브 서버 문제

구글 서버문제로 크롬에서 이용이 안되는 것일 수도 있습니다

인터넷 익스플로워나 네이버 웨일을 통해서는 접속해보세요

접속된다면 구글 서버 상태가 안좋은 것입니다

차분히 기다리시면 됩니다.


[youtube]Something went wrong… 갑자기 원숭이가 왜나와?

얼마 전 유튜브 설정창에서 개설된 빈 채널을

지우다 갑자기 유튜브 페이지 접속 에러가 뜨면서

유튜브에 접속이 되질 않았던 적이 있다.

“Something went wrong…”

갑자기 나타난 이 페이지.


몇 번이고 새로고침을 해봐도,

크롬을 껐다 켜봐도,

심지어 재부팅을 해봐도

원숭이는 계속 나온다.

이럴 땐 어떻게 해야 할까?

갑자기 이런 오류 페이지가 나온다면

크롬 오른쪽 점 세 개로 표시된 [상단에 맞출 설정 및 제어]를 눌러준다.

아래 나오는 [설정]으로 들어가자.

설정 페이지로 들어가면 화면 왼쪽에 메뉴들이 있는데,

아래 [고급]을 눌러주자.

그럼 아래 숨겨진 메뉴들이 나오는데,

[재설정 및 정리하기]를 눌러준다.

메인화면에서 맨 아래로 페이지를 내리면

재설정 및 정리하기가 있고,

그 안에 있는 [설정을 기본값으로 복원] 기능을

눌러주면 크롬이 기본값으로 돌아가면서 복구가 되는데

youtube가 다시 잘 나오는 것을 확인해 볼 수 있다.

참고로 유의할 점은

이 기능을 사용하면

평소 자동 로그인해놨던 페이지들과

사용하고 있는 크롬 확장 프로그램들이

전부 풀리니 다시 손수 활성화를 시켜줘야 한다.

Troubleshoot YouTube Error “Something Went Wrong” on Android, PC, iOS and More

YouTube may keep notifying something went wrong due to misconfiguration or corrupt settings of the YouTube app or browser. Moreover, misconfiguration of different device settings (like Network Settings, etc.) might also cause the issue at hand.

The issue arises when the user tries to use the YouTube app or access the YouTube website through a browser either when using YouTube or uploading/editing a video in YouTube studio but encounters the something went wrong message. The issue has plagued nearly all types of devices (like mobile, TV, consoles, Windows, Mac, etc.

You can fix ‘oops something went wrong’ by trying the solutions below but before that, make sure YouTube or your device services (like Xbox) are not down. Moreover, if you are encountering the issue while uploading a video to YouTube, check if changing the game title under category solves the YouTube issue. Furthermore, check if power cycling your system solves the issue.

Use the Alternate YouTube URL

Before diving into more technical solutions, check if logging out of YouTube, opening the following URLs one by one (using a browser, either PC or mobile/TV), and logging into YouTube solves the issue for you:

Edit the Related Settings of Your Device

You may encounter the something went wrong message while using YouTube if the different device-related settings (like Developer Mode, network settings, etc.) are not properly configured or corrupt. You can try the undermentioned solutions to solve the YouTube issue.

Reset Network Settings of Your Device

Launch Settings of your iPhone and tap on General. Then open Reset and tap on Reset Network Settings. Now tap on Reset Network Settings to confirm the reset and afterward, check if YouTube is working fine.

Renew Lease of the Wi-Fi Network

Open Settings of your iPhone and select Wi-Fi. Now tap on the “i” icon (in front of your network name) and tap on Renew Lease. Then confirm to Renew Lease and afterward, check if the YouTube issue is resolved.

Enable Don’t Keep Activities in the Developer Mode of Your Android Device

Launch Settings of your android device and navigate to About Phone. Now tap 7 times on the build number and you will see a notification that you are a developer now. Then hit the back button and open Developer Options. Now enable the option of Don’t Keep Activates (under Apps) by toggling its switch to the on position and afterward, check if the YouTube app is clear of the something went wrong error.

Revoke Access of Your Device for the YouTube App

Launch a web browser (either PC or phone) and navigate to the following URL: https://myaccount.google.com/permissions Now revoke access of your device (e.g., Xbox Live) for the YouTube app and then check if you can sign-into the YouTube by using the following: https://www.youtube.com/activate

For the Users of the Mobile/TV/Console YouTube App

Your YouTube app might keep saying something went wrong tap to retry because of many things like corrupt YouTube app cache/data, or corrupt installation of YouTube application. You can try the undermentioned solutions to solve the YouTube issue.

Use the Phone’s Browser

Open a browser on your phone (e.g., Chrome) and navigate to the YouTube website. Now open a video and if asked to open the video in an app, select YouTube and tap Always. Then check if something went wrong issue is resolved.

Clear the Cache and Data of the YouTube App

Launch Settings of your device and open Apps or Application Manager. Now open YouTube and tap on Force Stop. Then confirm to Force Stop the YouTube app and open Storage. Now tap on Clear Cache and then check if the YouTube app is clear of something went wrong. If the issue persists, force stop and clear the cache of the YouTube app by following steps 1 to 4, and afterward, tap on Clear Data (in the Storage settings of YouTube). Then confirm to delete the YouTube app data and switch off your device. Now, wait for 1 minute and power on the device to check if YouTube is clear of something went wrong message.

Reinstall the YouTube App

Launch the Settings of your device and open its Apps or Application Manager. Now open YouTube and tap on Force Stop. Then confirm to Force Stop the YouTube app and tap on Uninstall. Now confirm to Uninstall the YouTube app and once uninstalled, power off your device. Then wait for 1 minute and afterward, power on your device to check if YouTube is working fine.

In the case of a console (like Xbox) or a TV (like Apple TV), when signing into YouTube after reinstallation, choose Sign in With Activation Code on Browser or Using My Phone (the activation code from your device). Also, check your mobile phone (linked to the same Google account as YouTube) for any notification asking for linking the accounts, if so, allow it to check if that solves the problem. If Using My Phone option is not shown, then use Other Options, select Sign in On Phone or Computer, and open YouTube.com/activate to check if that solves the issue.

Clear the YouTube History

Be warned, by following the under-mentioned instructions, you will delete your YouTube watch and search history of your account on all the devices.

Launch the YouTube app and open its Settings. Now open History and Privacy and tap on Clear Watch History. Then confirm to clear the watch history and tap on Clear Search History. Now confirm to clear the search history of YouTube and reboot your device. Upon reboot, check if YouTube somethings went wrong is solved.

For the Users Having Issues With a Browser

There can be many browser-related settings like adblocker extensions (on a PC) that can cause YouTube to show somethings went wrong. You can try the following solutions to check if the issue was related to the browser. But before proceeding, check if you can open YouTube in another browser without any issue.

Update the Browser to the Latest Built

Launch Chrome and open its menu. Now select Settings and in the left pane, navigate to the About Chrome tab. Then make sure Chrome is updated to the latest release and relaunch Chrome to check if the YouTube issue is resolved.

Allow All Cookies on the Browser

Launch the Chrome browser and open its menu (by clicking the menu button near the top left). Now select Settings and steer to the Privacy and Security tab. Now open Cookies and Other Site Data and make sure Google and YouTube are not shown in the blocked cookies section. Then enable Allow All Cookies and relaunch Chrome to check if the YouTube is clear of something went wrong.

Disable Hardware Acceleration of the Browser

Launch the Chrome browser and open its menu. Now select Settings and expand Advanced (in the left pane). Then select System and in the right pane, toggle off the switch of Use Hardware Acceleration When Available to Disable it. Now relaunch Chrome and check if YouTube is working fine in it.

Use the Incognito or InPrivate Mode of the Browser

Launch your browser in the Incognito or InPrivate mode and check if YouTube is working fine (log in using the credentials of the problematic account) but before that make sure no extension is allowed to operate in the Incognito or InPrivate mode. If YouTube is working fine in the Incognito mode, then the issue could be browser-related, otherwise, the issue could be a result of the OS related (like hindrance from the antivirus of your system.

Disable Browser Extensions

If YouTube is working fine in Incognito or InPrivate mode, then most probably a browser extension is causing the issue. Adblock and NoScript extensions are reported by users to create the YouTube issue.

Launch the Chrome browser and open its Extensions menu by clicking the Extensions icon. Now disable the Adblock extension and check if the YouTube issue is resolved. If the issue persists, then disable all the browser extensions and check if the issue is resolved. If so, then enable the extension one by one to check which one is causing the issue. Once found, disable or uninstall the problematic extension to solve the issue.

Delete the Browser’s Cache and Data

Launch the Chrome browser and click on its menu button (near the top right of the screen). Now hover over More Tools and select Clear Browsing Data. Then click on Sign Out (if you do not want to delete the history from your Google account) and select the Time Range of All Time. Now select all the categories and click on the Clear Data button. Once the data is deleted, relaunch the browser and check if the YouTube issue is resolved.

Reset the Browser to the Defaults

Launch the Chrome browser and open its menu. Then expand Advanced (in the left pane) and select System. Now, in the right pane, click on Restore Settings to Their Original Defaults and then click on Reset Settings. Then relaunch Chrome and check if YouTube is working fine in Chrome.

Reinstall the Chrome Browser

Firstly, make sure to backup the essential info/data of your browser and right-click on Windows. Now, open Apps & Features and expand Chrome (or the problematic browser). Then click on Uninstall and follow the prompts on your screen to uninstall Chrome. Now reboot your PC and upon reboot, launch the Run command box by pressing Windows+R keys. Then execute the following in the Run box: %localappdata%\Google\Chrome Now delete the User Data folder (ignore any files/folders that cannot be deleted) and then reinstall Chrome to check if something went wrong issue is resolved.

Disable or Uninstall Antivirus of Your System

YouTube might show something went wrong if the antivirus of your system (Kaspersky is reported to cause the issue at hand) is hindering the operation of YouTube and disabling or uninstalling the antivirus may solve the YouTube problem.


Proceed at your own risk and with extreme care as uninstalling or disabling the antivirus of your system may expose your data/system to threats like viruses, trojans, etc.

Right-click on the Kaspersky icon in the system’s tray (you may have to check in the hidden icons) and click on Pause Protection. Then confirm to pause the protection and check if YouTube is working fine. If so, then you may have to uninstall the antivirus and use another antivirus

If the issue persists, then you may have to reset the device (Xbox, etc.) to the factory defaults to solve the YouTube issue.

유튜브 오류 Something went wrong 접속장애 에러 이유는?

웬만하면 정말 터지지 않는 유튜브 서버가 터졌다.

유튜브는 세계 최대 동영상 플랫폼으로 어떠한 동영상 스트리밍 플랫폼 서비스보다 더 안정적이어야 할 텐데, 오늘 웬일인지 Something went wrong이라는 문구와 함께 서버가 터져버리고 말았다.

유튜브 oops 원숭이 그림과 유튜브 에러.

현재 유튜브를 운영하는 구글에서는 별다른 이야기가 없다.

애드센스 페이지 접속모습.

뿐만 아니라, 구글 애드센스까지 같이 접속이 안되고 있는데 유튜브 뿐만 아니라 구글 애드센스, 구글 플레이 및 일부 구글 페이지들 까지 같이 서비스 장애가 생긴 듯하다.

유튜버들은 구글 애드센스 페이지를 새로고침 하며 오늘은 수익이 얼마나 들어왔나~ 체크해야 할 텐데 애드센스 수익도 유튜브 동영상도 아무것도 볼 수 없다.(필자는 블로그로 애드센스 수익을 벌고 있다.)

월요병을 극복하고 침대에서 롤 영상이나 실컷 보고 자려고 했는데, 난데없이 서버가 터져버리니 늘 이용하던 유튜브 프리미엄 서비스가 야속하게만 느껴진다.

유튜브 서버 터짐 이번이 두 번째.

유튜브 서버 접속이 불안정한 네트워크 장애가 발생한 것은, 지난달에 이어서 이번이 두 번째다.

11월 12일에도 유튜브는 동영상 재생이 안되거나 버퍼링이 계속 생기는 등 접속장애가 생겼었다.

하지만 지난달에는 유튜브 접속은 가능했었는데, 지금은 아예 원숭이 캐릭터가 망치를 들고 알 수 없는 오류로 서버 접속이 불가능하다고 아예 접속조차 불가능하다.

다만, 일부 사용자들은 접속이 되는 것으로 보아 아마도 갑자기 트래픽이 몰려서 생긴 장애가 아닐까 생각된다.

현재 시각 12월 14일 오후 9시 30분, 지금은 유튜브 사이트가 잘 접속된다.

롤드컵 영상이나 다시 보다가 잠들어야 하겠다.

Fix YouTube error, Something went wrong

Here is a full guide on how you can fix the “Something went wrong” error message on YouTube. A lot of users have reported being experiencing this error message on YouTube lately. While some of the users encountered the error when loading a video page on YouTube, some experienced the error message in the middle of watching a video. Some users even experienced the error when signing in to their account on YouTube. This error can occur irrespective of the platform you are using. If you are dealing with this error on Windows PC, check out this guide to fix the error.

Now, there can be several reasons that might trigger this error on YouTube. Let us try and understand the scenarios that might be triggering this error.

Why does YouTube keep saying Something went wrong??

Here are some of the possible causes that might trigger the “Something went wrong” error message on YouTube on Windows PC:

This error can be a result of server issues at the end of YouTube. So, ensure that there is no server outage that is causing the error in hand.

It can also be caused due to your weak internet connection. In case you dealing with your internet connectivity issues, you can try troubleshooting the issues or perform a power cycle on your router to resolve the error.

In case you are using an outdated version of your browser, it can also cause the error in hand. So, update your browser to fix the error.

The error can also be triggered due to the bad cache and cookies bulked in your web browser. If the scenario is applicable, clear the cache and cookies and then see if the error is fixed or not.

Your internet might not be able to cope up with the video quality you are trying to watch. To counter the issue, try lowering the playback quality of your video.

How do I fix Oops something went wrong?

Based on the scenario we mentioned above, you can try updating your web browser, clearing browser cache and cookies, checking your internet connection, or changing your YouTube region. We have discussed all these fixes in detail below; so check out.

Fix YouTube error, Something went wrong

Here are the methods that you can use to fix the “Something went wrong” error on YouTube:

Make sure YouTube servers are not down. Check your internet connection. Update your browser. Clear browser cache and cookies. Lower the playback quality. Switch your web browser. Change YouTube Region. Disable Hardware Acceleration of the Browser.

1] Make sure YouTube servers are not down

Server issues can be one of the reasons that you are getting the “Something went wrong” error on YouTube. So, the first thing you should do is make sure the YouTube servers are up and running. To do that, you use a free server down detector and find out whether the servers are down or not. In case you find out the YouTube services are down at the moment, you will have to wait for its services to be up and running again to fix the error.

If the YouTube servers are not down, there might be some other underlying reason that triggers the error. So, move down to the next potential fix to resolve the error.

See: How to fix No Sound on YouTube on Windows.

2] Check your internet connection

Another cause of this error can be related to your internet. In case you are dealing with some network connectivity issues, this error can be triggered. To resolve the issue, you can try fixing internet issues using the below tricks:

Check the speed of your internet and see if it is good enough to watch videos on YouTube.

In case you are dealing with some WiFi issues, you can try troubleshooting internet issues and then reload the YouTube page to check whether or not the error is fixed.

You can try restarting your router and then check if the problem is fixed.

If a simple restart doesn’t work, you will need to perform a power cycle on your networking device. To do that, unplug your router and then wait for about 1 minute to let it shut completely. After that, plug in your router and then start it. Connect to the internet again, open YouTube, and see if the error is fixed now.

If none of the above tricks fix the error for you, move down to the next solution to fix the error.

3] Update your browser

Whichever browser you are using make sure it is up to date. The error might be occurred due to a problem with your browser itself. So, it is always recommended to install all the latest updates and then try visiting the YouTube page again.

To update your web browser, here are the steps to update two of the most popular web browsers:

Google Chrome:

Open Chrome and click on the three-dot menu. Go to the Help > About Google Chrome option. Let Chrome check for available updates and install updates automatically. Restart Google Chrome and see if the error is fixed on YouTube.

Mozilla Firefox:

Launch Firefox and press the three horizontal bars menu option. Click on Help and tap on About Firefox. It will check pending updates and you can install them by pressing the Update option. Relaunch Firefox and open YouTube to check whether the “Something went wrong” error is fixed or not.

If updating the browser doesn’t help you and you still get the same error, try the next potential fix from the guide.

Read: Fix YouTube Error 400 on PC.

4] Clear browser cache and cookies

Outdated and older browser cache and cookies can interrupt normal working your browser. In case you are dealing with this error on YouTube because of the bad cache and cookies, you should try clearing the cache and cookies and then check if the error is fixed.

If you are using Chrome, here are the steps to clear browser cache and cookies:

Firstly, open Chrome and go to the three-dot menu option. Now, click on the More Tools > Clear browsing data option. Next, set Time range to All time and enable the checkboxes called Cached image and files and Cookies and other site data. After that, press the Clear data button to clear all respective browsing data. Finally, restart Google Chrome and then visit the YouTube website to see if the error is resolved not.

In a similar manner, you can clear browser cache and cookies in Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and other browsers.

If this method doesn’t work, you can check out the next fix from this list to resolve the error.

5] Lower the playback quality

If you got this error message while watching high-quality videos on YouTube, it is most likely that your WiFi is not able to meet the video’s bandwidth requirement and hence the error. If the scenario is applicable, you can try lowering the playback quality of your video and see if the error is resolved.

To lower playback quality, you can click on the gear icon (Settings) and then go to Quality. And then, choose a lower playback quality and then see if the error is fixed or not.

See: 500 Internal Server Error on YouTube explained.

6] Switch your web browser

You can try changing the web browser and see if YouTube works fine without throwing the “Something went wrong” error. If it fixes the error, well and good. If not, we got some other fixes to resolve the error.

7] Change YouTube Region

In case you are dealing with the error because of server issues in your region, you should be able to fix the error by changing your YouTube region. For that, load the YouTube page that was previously giving you the error and make sure you log in with your account. After that, click on your profile icon from the top-right corner and then go to the Location option. After that, select some other location than your current one and reload the YouTube page. Hopefully, you won’t receive the same error message anymore.

Read: YouTube not connecting to AdSense; Error AS-08, AS-10 OR 500.

8] Disable Hardware Acceleration of the Browser

One more thing you can try to fix the error is to disable hardware acceleration in your web browser. if you have enabled it, it might cause the error in hand. So, you can turn off this feature by going to the browser settings in your web browser. Then, restart your web browser and visit the YouTube page and check if the error is fixed.

SUBSCRIBE: To TheWindowsClub YouTube Channel.

How do I fix YouTube on Google Chrome?

If YouTube is not working on Google Chrome, you can fix the issue by restarting the web browser, clearing cache and cookies, performing a power cycle on your networking device, resetting Chrome, or disabling the hardware acceleration feature.

That’s it!

Now read:

Something Went Wrong YouTube Error – Fix with These Methods!

How to fix oops something went wrong? You may have no idea but this post offered by MiniTool will help you. It will introduce 4 useful solutions to fix this error. You can try them one by one and check if the issue is resolved.

YouTube allows you to watch videos without logging in. However, you must be logged in to comment and like the video. Unfortunately, while trying to log in, you may encounter an error saying “Oops! Something went wrong”.

This error occurred while accessing the YouTube account through a web browser. It can be caused by a number of reasons, including outdated web browsers or Google account problems.

If you are experiencing this problem, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you fix something went wrong YouTube error.

Further reading: The Top 8 Common YouTube Errors – How to Fix Them.

How to Fix Something Went Wrong YouTube Error?

Fix 1: Update Your Browser

Chrome/Microsoft Edge

Step 1: Here take Chrome as an example. Open Chrome and click the menu icon in the upper right-hand corner.

Step 2: Go to Help > About Google Chrome. Now, Chrome will look for any pending updates automatically.

Step 3: Click Update if the update is not downloaded automatically.

Step 4: When all the updates are installed, restart Google Chrome.

Open YouTube again to check if something went wrong YouTube error is solved.


Step 1: Open Firefox and click the 3 horizontal bars in the upper right-hand corner.

Step 2: Go to Help > About Firefox. Now, Firefox will check for any pending updates automatically.

Step 3: After installing all updates, click Restart to update Firefox to make the changes take effect.

After that, relaunch Firefox and check if something went wrong YouTube error is fixed.

Fix 2: Remove Devices from Google Account

Check the Added Devices

Step 1: Open your Google Account and sign in with your Google account credentials.

Step 2: Go to the Security tab. Scroll down to Your devices and click Manager your devices.

Step 3: Now, check if multiple devices are added to your account. Remove any of the devices that do not belong to you. Also, remove any recognized device and add it again.

Remove the Device

Step 1: To remove a device, click the 3 dots button next to the device name and then select Sign out.

Step 2: In the pop-up window, click Sign out to confirm your action. This will logout the account for the device of your choice. Do this for all devices except your computer or the main device where the error occurred.

After that, open YouTube again and try to sign in to check if you still encounter something went wrong YouTube error.

Fix 3: Change Your Google Account Password

Step 1: Open your Google Account and sign in with your Google account credentials.

Step 2: Go to the Security tab.

Step 3: Under Signing in to Google, click Password.

Step 4: Enter your new password and confirm the password again. Click the Change Password button.

Open YouTube and sign in with your new password. Check for any improvements.

Fix 4: Reinstall Your Web Browser

Step 1: Open Control Panel.

Step 2: Set View by: Category. Go to Programs > Programs and Features.

Step 3: Select Google Chrome and click Uninstall.

Step 4: When the User Account Control window pops up, click Yes to confirm the action.

Step 5: After uninstalling Google Chrome successfully, download and install the latest version of Google Chrome from the official website.

Read also: How to Fix YouTube Error 410? Try These Workable Solutions!

Bottom Line

After reading this post, you should have known how to fix something went wrong YouTube error. If you have any other questions or suggestions, leave them in the comments section below and we’ll check them out soon.

Fix Something went wrong YouTube error with these steps

Fix Something went wrong YouTube error with these steps 4 Share X

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YouTube allows users to watch videos without logging into the website. However, to post comments and like the videos, one must log in. Several users have reported the Oops! Something went wrong YouTube error while trying to sign in.

This error occurs while accessing the YouTube account via the web browser. The error can occur due to multiple reasons, including an outdated web browser or Google account issues.

If you are also troubled by this issue, here are a couple of troubleshooting tips to help you fix Oops! Something went wrong YouTube error.

What to do when YouTube says something went wrong ?

1. Update your browser

For Chrome and Microsoft Edge

Launch Google Chrome. Click the menu icon (three horizontal dots). Go to Help and select About Google Chrome. Chrome will now check for any pending updates. Click on Update if the update is not downloaded automatically. After the update is installed, restart Google Chrome. Open YouTube and check for any improvements.

Update Firefox

Launch Mozilla Firefox. Click the menu ( three horizontal bars ). Click on Help. Select About Firefox. Firefox will now look for any pending updates. In the About Mozilla Firefox window, you will see an Update to xxx button. Click on Update to 72.xx.xx version to download and install the updates. After installing the update, relaunch Firefox and check for any improvements.

2. Remove devices from Google Account

Check the added devices

Open your Google Account. Sign in with your Google account credentials if asked to confirm the details. From the Home Screen, open the Security tab. Scroll down to Your Devices section. Click on Manager your devices. Check if multiple devices are added to your account. If you find any of the devices that do not belong to you, remove it. You may also remove any recognized device and add it again.

Remove the device

To remove a device, click the three dots beside the device name. Select Sign Out. In the pop-up dialogue, click on Sign Out to confirm the action. This will logout your account on the selected device. Do this for all the devices except your computer or the main device on which the error is occurring. Open YouTube again and try to sign in. Check for any improvements.

3. Change Google account password

Go to Google Account. Sign in with your Google account username and password if asked to confirm. Open the Security tab. Under Signing in to Google click on Password. Enter your current Google account password and sign in. Enter your new password. Confirm the password again. Click on the Change Password button. Open YouTube and sign in with your password and check for any improvements.

3. Reinstall the web browser

Press Windows Key + R to open Run. Type control and click OK. Go to Programs > Programs and Features. Select Google Chrome. Click on Uninstall and confirm the action. Download and install the latest version of Google Chrome from the official website.

The Oops! Something went wrong YouTube error can occur due to issues with the browser or your Google account. Follow all the steps in this article, one by one, to resolve the error.

If you have any other questions or suggestions, leave them in the comments section below and we’ll be sure to check them out.

Still having issues? Fix them with this tool: Download this PC Repair Tool rated Great on TrustPilot.com (download starts on this page). Click Start Scan to find Windows issues that could be causing PC problems. Click Repair All to fix issues with Patented Technologies (Exclusive Discount for our readers). Restoro has been downloaded by 0 readers this month.

키워드에 대한 정보 유튜브 something went wrong

다음은 Bing에서 유튜브 something went wrong 주제에 대한 검색 결과입니다. 필요한 경우 더 읽을 수 있습니다.

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사람들이 주제에 대해 자주 검색하는 키워드 유튜브 원숭이 나올때 해결책 [something went wrong]증상해결책

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